Trans Care BC
Gender-Affirming Health & Wellness Service Providers
The information below is in relationship to our Trans Care BC contract as service providers.
The criteria to become an approved service provider is detailed, and each electrologist must meet the following standards:​
• Must be an electrologist with training from an accredited institution
• Minimum 320 hours of theory & practical training
• Passed written and practice exams
• In good standing with a professional body and/or association
• Hold current business license
• Current health inspections certificate
• Provide services in a space that complies with requirements for Personal Services Establishment (PSE) regulations
• Carry liability insurance, validated annually
• Have prior experience providing electrolysis to trans individuals for surgical preparation hair removal
• Completion of Trans Care BC’s ‘Exploring Gender Diversity’ 60-minute education module
• Work collaboratively with client’s care team to assess and recommend a treatment plan for hair removal needs
• Provide clients with an initial consultation and patch test
​​Below is some pertinent information for your upcoming care to be surgery-ready.
Clients typically need to complete 6-10 full clearances of the medically necessary area. Keep in mind, achieving a clearance often requires multiple appointments & several hours of treatment.
Scheduling these appointments as close together as possible allows the skin to heal properly & ensures more predictable regrowth and results.
The clearances are spaced weekly to every 6-8 weeks apart, so the overall process of completion can take 18-24 months.
After the initial three clearances, there is a significant reduction in the amount of hair, with approximately 40-60% less remaining.
By the 6th to 8th clearance, the process enters the maintenance phase, during which we can begin discussing estimated surgery times. It's common for individuals to require up to 10 clearances, with the final 1-2 sessions focused on removing any remaining stubborn hairs.
Effective pain management is a key component of successful electrolysis. Ensuring client comfort during treatments not only improves their overall experience but also allows for more thorough and efficient sessions. We have pain management strategies to help you during your treatments.
It’s crucial to keep an organized schedule, as it ensures that we can accurately determine your completion date and stay on track to be ready for surgery in a timely manner.